- Intro to Ballet & Jazz
Levels Foundational – 1
- Rising
Levels 1-2
- Elevated
Levels 2-3
- Pre-Pointe
Levels 3-4
- Pointe
Levels 4 -5 and above
Ballet classes are broke up into Barre exercises, Center floor, Adagio, Petite Allegro, and Grand Allegro. It provides a dancer to move with grace, develop proper body alignment, and low impact strengthing.
MCDM is committed to the foundations, technique, and discipline that Ballet provides every level and style of dancer. No matter what type of dancer you want to be, we believe that Ballet can have a significant impact on a dancer’s progress.
All Ballet ONLY classes require Pink ballet shoes and “Ballet Pink” tights. Black leotards are strongly suggested for class. They may wear black leggings, leg warmers, or fitted long sleeve over during winter only. Hair in secure BUN please.
Dress code details for bras with leotards/bra support in all styles:
Why should a bra not be visible with a leotard?